Sabtu, 03 Desember 2016

It's your last meal on earth - what do you choose?

Assalamualaikum, Hello everyone, Today, I wanna tell you something about “It's your last meal on earth - what do you choose?” It’s very interesting. One thing I want to feel the last time the world was my mother's cooking, why not? because my mother's cooking I think from childhood to adulthood is very tasty. once when I was little my mother opened the rice shop, and the shop had long existed before I was born. and since the age I was growing up these stalls were closed. because there is no longer one of the families residing in the village of Authorship, they all have moved in Pontianak. back again about the food the last one I ate in my life, following eating food I want to enjoy, first is the chicken sauce why I like chicken sauce because of childhood to adulthood I often dimasakkan chicken sauce is nevertheless not make me bored especially not memakanan want, maybe because of my mother's cooking is so good that it made me not bored. The second is tempoyak, the food is typical with his durian, foods that are from Kalimantan is very attractive all tastes, especially when eaten with warm coffè wahh very delicious, imagine no longer was its principal. hehethose are my articles on this day may be useful for all of us. sign of peace for us all. byeeee

Kamis, 24 November 2016

A letter to your younger self and your 10-years-later self

Hello, how are you? Already doing good today, not to never share the fortune although a glass of water. Back on this topic is When asked a letter for me 10 years later, I want to write "I will be happy if both my parents and all my family". "These memories that I always remember so that keeps me motivated in life". what a sight it when somebody happy people she loves. will it will happen in my life. people happy is something noble, we take little things like making someone laugh is a noble thing. why life should be happy that we are motivated to menjali live well and do good anyway. and I'll tell you about things that make me happy when someone makes college my passion for college, people that make me happy and always happy menjali things among some people it was very boring, who knows how long it will last. 
I always think of her when they see or imagine it, but until now a friend or friends I did not know it toward whom. back to the first thing I would be happy both my parents and my family as much as possible when I was easy, why? so I could see her happy with a long time and things that I want is not able to see them happy when they should get happiness at that time. so much from my blog, I say thank you. and still see my blog follows her. message from me is "happy it simple when seeing other people happy".

Rabu, 23 November 2016

Information nice to be in the know

The conversation between Fikri, Dimas, Jeri, and Sani about the information
Fikri: "Dimas,if you've got the best possible information lately?"
Dimas: "Yes, but I forget what his website."
Jeri: "To a place we look for its website what I'm home alone, but if your website is not banned?. Dimas: "Yesterday I open no restriction that the website was violating access rules"
Sani: "So when are we going to look for the website?"
Jeri: "Better tomorrow so we quickly finished."
Fikri: " What is the difference of online information and information from the library?
Dimas: "I know his difference is when we are looking for information on online more easily, why? because where and at any time could have been in search for it. while the information in the library is difficult to find material about what we would find it and we are not necessarily there must be such material".
Fikri: "So, do you think that kind of information is usually from where?."
Dimas&Sani: "Hmmmmmm"
Jeri: "Usually does if reliable information that wikipedia"
Dimas&Sani: "Yes it's true"
Fikri: "So, we seek only the information later on wikipedia"
Sani: "Okay, I want to go first, to meet tomorrow. byeee"
Fikri: "So, we agreed that tomorrow we find information on wikipedia. you agree?"
Dimas&Jeri: "Agree"
Fikri: "Okay, I'm home now. See you again"
Dimas: "See you"
Jeri: "See you"

Fikri Noviandy: C1051161082
Jeri Alpianto: C1051161026
Dimas Mahendra: C1051161010
Sani Jainudin: C1051161008

Jumat, 18 November 2016

Your karaoke song of choice and why

Assalamualaikum. Welcome back to my blog. this time I will discuss about any song that I often sang when karaoke, the song from Avenged Sevenfold is an American heavy metal band from Huntington Beach, California, formed in 1999. The band's current lineup consists of lead vocalist M. Shadows, rhythm guitarist and backing vocalist Zacky Vengeance, lead guitarist Synyster Gates and backing vocalist, bassist and backing vocalist Johnny Christ, and drummer Brooks Wackerman, it was his succinct about the band. I why I love singing it when karaoke, because the song is very cool to sing a song that is not too slow and not too fast then it was I loved to sing them. and a bit of my story of why I love this song was when I was little I've been familiar with this band than the first outer bands in general. so I had the initiative to download all the songs and the album and some songs or albums from the band: Avenged Sevenfold emerged with a metalcore sound on the band's debut Sounding the Seventh Trumpet. However, Avenged Sevenfold's style had evolved by the band's third album and first major label release, City of Evil, into a heavy metal and hard rock style. The band continued to explore new sounds with its self-titled release and enjoyed continued mainstream success before Reviews their drummer, James "The Rev" Sullivan, Died in 2009. Despite his death, Avenged Sevenfold continued on with the help of now-former Dream Theater drummer Mike Portnoy and released and toured in support of its fifth album Nightmare in 2010, the which debuted on the top spot of the Billboard 200, Avenged Sevenfold's first number one debut. [2] Avenged Sevenfold's sixth studio album Hail to the King, which was released in 2013, marked the only album featuring Avenged Sevenfold drummer Arin Ilejay. Hail to the King charted as number 1 on the Billboard 200, the UK Albums chart, as well as the Finnish, Brazilian, Canadian, and Irish charts. The band released surprise Reviews their seventh studio album titled The Stage on October 28, 2016, the which debuted as number 4 on the Billboard 200 chart in the US. A few of my blog I say many thanks to the readers, greeting happy for us all.

Kamis, 17 November 2016


Sport illustrated

From reading the article titled yans Asaiah Sport Illustrated
Agustus 8, 2016 SI.COM
Sport illustrated play
Facial disputed ginsberg's accaunt of the bathroom interaction and of the finger-wagging. gingsberg is sitting in his office now. with a courting on dhe wall, and he's describling what is't like to take on goodel. he belives the commuissioner is swayed by public opinion and that his mind is tyipically made up before a meeting starts. it doesn't help that, to ginseberg, goodell's punishments at times seem arbitray. ginsbrg thinks that the commussioner has craked down on certain players in order to compenstate for his not already having protocol in place for those player's affenses, specially in dealing whit sosials issue raised by rice or Vikings running back Adrian Peterson, who was charged whit child abuse. (He pleaded guilty to a reduced charge). goodell decided what to do whit them.
the same high-ranking lague official point out that the communissioner alwayes takes inti account precident, a player'spas record and whetere he coopeartes. the official point out that in december 2014, the league (under goodell's guidance) rewrote is's personal conduct police ansure a six-game suspension for frist-thime affenders who commit a widw range of violent criments, including domestic violence and child abuse.
so how would ginsberg advinse a  client who's been summoned by goodell? for one, ginsberg would tell him not to say anything that might be used in future litigation. ''what longer looks for is somebody to agree whit him or to beg forgiviness,'' Ginsberg saya . it's very diffucult to have a genuine, authentic disagreement roger.

Here are the words I did not understand but I have translated for ease I understand it. This is in part he says, as follows:
1      Bathroom
Kamar mandi, kamar kecil, kakus.
2.     Describe
Menggambarkan, melukiskan, mengutarakan, memperikan, memperkatakan, membuat.
3.     Commissioner
Komisaris, anggota komisi.
4.     Decide
Memutuskan, menentukan, mengambil keputusan, mempertimbangkan, bertekad, mengambil kesimpulan.
5.      Offender
Pelanggar, orang yang bersalah, orang yang berdosa.
6.      Including
Termasuk, dan juga.
7.      Certain
Tertentu, beberapa, pasti, yakin, khusus, tentu.
8.      Abuse
Penyalahgunaan, siksaan, perlakuan kejam, makian, caci maki, dampratan.
9.      Advise
Memberitahu, menasihati, menganjurkan, menasihatkan, mempertimbangkan, memaklumkan.
10.  Summoned
11.  Future
Masa depan, futur, keakanan.
12.  Litigation
Proses pengadilan, jalannya perkara.
13. Raised
      Menonjol, cembung, yang di tinggikan yang letaknya tinggi.
14.  Longer
15.  Forgiveness
Pengampunan, ampun, ampunan, keampunan, kemaafan.
16.  Difficult
Sulit, susah, sukar, berat, rumit, alot.
17.  Genuine
Asli, sejati, murni, benar, tulen, ikhlas.
18.  Disagreement
Pertentangan, perselisihan pendapat, cedera, percekcokan, kegagalan menyetujui.
19.  Punishment
Hukuman, pidana, azab, siksaan, ganjaran, perlakuan kasar
20.  Running
                        Menjalankan, berjalan, berlari, melarikan.

Senin, 14 November 2016

Travel destinations when my vacation very enjoyable

Assalamualaikum my friend, welcome back to my blog, I'll tell you about my vacation enjoyable and nowhere does that is great for our visit. Of the few places I have ever visited there was a very memorable place that is Riam Tikalong, why? because the place has a history that is very memorable place I've ever visited with family and it was very pleasant, from some other tourist attractions are still a lot of very nice place for our visit as Riam merasap, Riam Entugun, Riam Gurung Sumpit, Riam Nokanayan, Riam Berawan , Riam Malanggar, and Riam Pancur Aji. it was a few attractions which are very recommended for you who like the same water let alone a waterfall. hehe and one again my message when you enter any tourist spot that we still have to respect the customs of local residents and would also remain cautious.

Senin, 24 Oktober 2016

Two applications are often I take

Assalamualaikum, Hallo viewers coming back on my blog. Now I will describe two applications that I frequently go on my phone. Now we discuss the first is the LINE app, this app is very useful for social media activities such as chat, send a photograph and send vidio. In his own line application pending because there is no word sending way pretty quickly so I like to use this application to search for information or provide information very quickly. and more of these applications rarely advantage of our account hacked others. Still the spirit of reading the contents of my blog ?? Do not sleepy yes !!! Hehehe. My second application is Instagram, why do I like this one because the application in the application there are interesting things like sending a photograph, video, and even send a message. In this application we can even jamming love even comment what people already share with them the account. This application also we can interact together artists even our own president. Within this application a lot of things / content can damage morale and common sense we are not cuman Instagram even diline also we can experience story it, and a message from me so we do not get caught up in the negative that is not constantly doing things the same that in the view of others was not good, and also a lot in the second application there is a positive thing and it all depends on ourselves. Hopefully with this blog we can be wise and can judge what is bad and what is good. A few of my gratitude.