Sabtu, 03 Desember 2016

It's your last meal on earth - what do you choose?

Assalamualaikum, Hello everyone, Today, I wanna tell you something about “It's your last meal on earth - what do you choose?” It’s very interesting. One thing I want to feel the last time the world was my mother's cooking, why not? because my mother's cooking I think from childhood to adulthood is very tasty. once when I was little my mother opened the rice shop, and the shop had long existed before I was born. and since the age I was growing up these stalls were closed. because there is no longer one of the families residing in the village of Authorship, they all have moved in Pontianak. back again about the food the last one I ate in my life, following eating food I want to enjoy, first is the chicken sauce why I like chicken sauce because of childhood to adulthood I often dimasakkan chicken sauce is nevertheless not make me bored especially not memakanan want, maybe because of my mother's cooking is so good that it made me not bored. The second is tempoyak, the food is typical with his durian, foods that are from Kalimantan is very attractive all tastes, especially when eaten with warm coffè wahh very delicious, imagine no longer was its principal. hehethose are my articles on this day may be useful for all of us. sign of peace for us all. byeeee