Kamis, 24 November 2016

A letter to your younger self and your 10-years-later self

Hello, how are you? Already doing good today, not to never share the fortune although a glass of water. Back on this topic is When asked a letter for me 10 years later, I want to write "I will be happy if both my parents and all my family". "These memories that I always remember so that keeps me motivated in life". what a sight it when somebody happy people she loves. will it will happen in my life. people happy is something noble, we take little things like making someone laugh is a noble thing. why life should be happy that we are motivated to menjali live well and do good anyway. and I'll tell you about things that make me happy when someone makes college my passion for college, people that make me happy and always happy menjali things among some people it was very boring, who knows how long it will last. 
I always think of her when they see or imagine it, but until now a friend or friends I did not know it toward whom. back to the first thing I would be happy both my parents and my family as much as possible when I was easy, why? so I could see her happy with a long time and things that I want is not able to see them happy when they should get happiness at that time. so much from my blog, I say thank you. and still see my blog follows her. message from me is "happy it simple when seeing other people happy".

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